Car Key Won T Come Out
If this doesn t work it will require the attention of your mechanic.
Car key won t come out. There should be a small amount of play in the wheel when the steering is locked. By slightly moving the steering wheel the pressure on the lock is removed and the key should slide out. If this solution is successful for you you should still take some time to. In this instance the only solution is to charge the battery and wait till it can start the car to remove the keys.
This will happen when the steering wheel has been moved after the key has been removed from the ignition cylinder. This video is to help the many people that have a lock and the key gets stuck in the lock if you have this problem and this video helps you please give it. Move the wheel to side while turning the key at the same time. Easily obtained solutions such as wd 40 or tri flow are great for lubricating your car key.
If you re sure that you correctly set the gear and the key still won t come out try slowly jiggling the steering wheel back and forth while you gently pull on the key to remove it. To take out the key you ll have to unlock the steering wheel. Once the wheel is unlocked you ll be able to remove the car key successfully. The most common reason that a car key will not turn is that the steering wheel has locked.
Sometimes when the steering column locks a safety and anti theft feature in most cars it puts additional pressure on the ignition lock mechanism and prevents the key from coming out. Turn the steering wheel to the right and left. If this is the cause of the problem the key should come out after a little effort. This simple solution helps the key to gently slide out especially if it is stuck as a result of an obstruction with the ignition that makes the keyway harder to use.
Car keys can often remain stuck in ignitions if the battery dies out. Note what side the wheel cannot be turned to and the direction that has give.